Business Growth Ka Agla Kadam
Platform for Predictable and Cost-Competitive Raw Material Sourcing and Credit Solutions
100,000+ MT
Raw Material Delivered
Cities Served
10,000+ MSMEs
Our Fulfillment Categories
Billets 100 x 100

specification goes here

Billets 110x110


Billets 125x125
Billets 130x130


EC grade Ingot

IE 07

Wire Rod Coil

WE 10

Wire Rod Coil

WE 20

Sow Ingot




Tailor-made Services on Next App
Your Partner for Smart & Efficient Raw Material Procurement.
Predictable Supply & Competitive Prices
Buy Raw Material in Just a few clicks.
Business Financing & Credit
Don’t worry about working capital. Access quick finance for your procurement.
MCX & SteelMint Pricing
View live market pricing for raw materials you deal in.
Daily Notifications
Access PAN India prices. Get notified on price drops, dispatch, and more.
Industry Trends & Latest News
On-ground market insights & analysis for informed decision-making.
Unlock Your Potential
Why Buyers Choose Next by Bizongo?
Quick Order Placement to delivery
Request quotes, view prices, place orders & track real-time delivery status at your fingertips.
Best-in-Class Customer Service
Agility of tech, comfort of people.
PAN India Supply network
150+ curated suppliers with a focus on quality & TAT for seamless order fulfilment.
In-App Payment
Get flexibility in payment options.
Tailor-made Services on Next App
With access to 30+ Banks/NBFCs and quick online application, get faster financing for your procurement from multiple Financials Institutions via Bizongo. Expand your cash flow and thrive.
Purchase Invoice Discounting
Vendor Financing
Sales Invoice Discounting
SMEs & Large Enterprises Served
Straight from the Heart
Voice of Customers
Mr. Abhishek Kyal
Co-owner & Director, Great Eastern Infracon
"We needed a flexible solution for reliable steel sourcing, and Bizongo’s 'Next by Bizongo' app streamlined our procurement of MS Billets, providing transparency in shipment deliveries and pricing."
Suresh Babu
CFO, Steel Exchange
"Bizongo's unified platform with embedded financing has transformed our business. We can now dynamically manage raw material prices and place POs instantly, leading to cost savings and increased profitability."
Mr. Uttam Chand Mehta
Chairman, Mangalam Alloys Limited
"Bizongo has been instrumental in our growth, achieving 8-10% procurement savings. Their platform enables us to procure 150 tonnes of stainless steel monthly, bringing us closer to our revenue target."
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Ready to Take Your
Business to the NEXT Level?

Frequently asked questions

Click on “Get Quotes” to raise an RFQ and we will get back to you with the best rates in under 4 hrs.

We have associated with all the major brands in each raw material category. For more details check out our product catalog on the Next by Bizongo app.

We have our presence and cater our service Pan-India.

The delivery time will be communicated at the time of providing the quotation as it varies according to product category and delivery location.

We have in place stringent Quality Assurance Checks where our agents verify the quality of raw material before dispatching on the field.

Creating an RFQ is a very simple process. You can choose the product you require from our product catalog on the “Next by Bizongo” app and fill in your expected price and submit the form. A Client Relationship Manager will be getting in touch with you just after you raise the RFQ.

You can log in to the app and add/update/delete the items present in your raised RFQ. Please be mindful that the turnaround time is increased on multiple changes in the RFQ. You can also inform the changes in the RFQ to your Client Relationship Manager who will be getting in touch with you after you raise the RFQ

You can track your order status by logging in to your account on Next by Bizongo web platform or our Mobile App.

Yes, we provide logistics support for the delivery of Raw Materials procured through our NextShip platform from verified Logistics Providers across India.

You can use the NextFin module on the app to apply for credit or otherwise get in touch with our Client Relationship Manager.

You can get collateral-free credit of up to 5 Crores based on a credit evaluation.

Yes, you can also purchase raw materials with LC and BG.